Comic’s artist Eric Lee says hello to all the potential Sunshine Nation 2011 contestants out there! He got discovered by Comic by joining Fairchild Radio’s Sunshine Boyz 2004 and receives tremendous opportunities participating in Taiwanese drama shootings. Will you be the next big Asian star? Find out more about Eric on our About Comic page.
身在台北的Eric 利昂麟親自拍了一段視頻鼓勵一眾有志投身亞洲演藝圈的朋友參加Sunshine Nation 2011哦! 身為可米製作旗下藝人的他,因為參加了加拿大中文電台Sunshine Boyz 2004而被發掘進入了演藝圈。如果你也想跟他一樣有機會在台灣拍戲劇,不要猶疑快點參加Sunshine Nation 2011囉!想了解更多關於Eric,可前往本網可米藝人+可米製作的專頁。