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Shawn Dou of “Under the Hawthorn Tree”,
champion of SSN 2007
Sunshine Nation 2007冠軍竇驍成中國最火新晉男演員

Posted:July 13th, 2011  |  by admin

Sunshine Nation winners have graced the cover of national magazines, television and various media as trend setters and icons of self-confidence. Major role models of past winners include Shawn Dou, who became the lead male actor of the movie “Under the Hawthorn Tree” directed by famous Zhang Yimou.

Sunshine Nation是加拿大最具規模的亞裔才藝選秀,自1999年起已培育了超過一百位亞裔俊男美女,將他們打造成新一代的時尚魅力達人。參加Sunshine Nation已被視為走向亞洲演藝界的踏腳石。去年經著名導演張藝謀萬中選一而成為電影《山楂樹之戀》第一男主角,Sunshine Nation 2007冠軍竇驍正是一例。竇驍目前是中國最「火」新晉男演員之一,參與了不少電視廣告拍攝並擔任品牌代言人。