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Yao Yao 郭書瑤訪問 @ 《都市有約》  

Posted:November 9th, 2011  |  by admin

Yao Yao 郭書瑤訪問 @ 《大城小聚》  

Posted:October 13th, 2011  |  by admin

Sam & Fionn appear on the cover of nationally distributed magazine  

Posted:October 13th, 2011  |  by admin

Sunshine Boyz & Girlz on《都市有約》  

Posted:September 2nd, 2011  |  by admin

2 episodes featuring Sam, Kevin, Jeffrey, Sympascho, Cindy, Annie, Fionn & Andrea.

Sunshine Nation Finale highlights

Posted:September 1st, 2011  |  by admin

Not enough?  Catch highlights of 2011 Sunshine Nation Finale next Sunday (Sept 11) 9pm @ Fairchild Television.

李志森 陸曉安 大熱勝出Sunshine Nation  

Posted:August 27th, 2011  |  by admin

Sunshine Nation 2011, a pageant / talent search for Asian teens was held on August 26, 2011 at Burnaby’s Michael J. Fox Theatre. The 8 finalists (4 boys and 4 girls) have beaten hundreds of hopefuls to make it to the final round and after a fierce competition of singing, dancing, acting and cat walking, the following titles were won by these beautiful and talented teens:

Boyz Champion:​Sam Ly (age 24)
Girlz Champion: Fionn Wiens (age 17)
Best Talent Award:​Jeffrey Pai (age 17)
Friendship Award:​Kevin Fan (age 22)​
Fido Pepper Wireless Like Me Award (a people’s choice award):
Andrea Ng (age 17)

由加拿大中文電台AM1470/FM96.1及「可米製作 / 流星花園製作公司」舉辦的2011 Sunshine Nation,昨晚(8月26日)於歡呼聲中圓滿結束,賽果亦塵埃落定。經過各個環節的激烈爭奪,最終1Sam李志森(左)及7Fionn陸曉安(右)脫穎而出,成為2011 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 冠軍。另外兩個獎項,「名店眼鏡才藝大獎」及由網民投選的「Fido Pepper Wireless 最多人Like Me大獎」,分別落在3Jeffrey白景舜8Andrea伍佩儀的手上。至於今年大會特別增設由參賽者互選的「友誼大獎」,則由人氣最高的2號Kevin方泓元獲得殊榮。

2011 Sunshine Nation 決賽當晚,司儀由口才了得的FM96.1DJ April謝展基以及杰拉德擔任,謝展基是2005年的Sunshine Boyz,他以大師兄的身分鼓勵各參賽者。當晚評審團由加拿大中文電台總裁李方、台灣可米代表施文嘉、前香港小姐譚錦芳及社交禮儀顧問胡匡維等知名人士組成。

決賽以一場精彩歌舞揭開序幕,舞台設計由巨型開合式熒幕組成,8位Sunshine Boyz & Girlz穿梭其中,與熒幕上的動畫配合得天衣無縫,帶來前所未有的視覺享受。為配合今年大會主題「社交網絡」,大會首次以電子場刊代替傳統式的印刷場刊,別出心裁。

進行了基本的自我介紹後,各參賽者以藝會友,進行才藝比拼,鬥武(舞)鬥樂,舞獅vs肚皮舞、二胡古箏vs演奏級鋼琴,中西並重,剛柔並濟。於模仿環節中,他們挑選歌星名人為模仿對象,韓國舞王Rain、人氣組合Super Junior M、美國總統奧巴馬、歌壇新星Justin Bieber,甚至卡通人物Dory也在模仿系列之內。司儀向參賽者提出各種巧妙及尖銳的問題,考驗他們8位臨場的應變能力和口才。繼後8位Sunshine Boyz & Girlz穿上野性魅力潮服,與8位Little Sunshine 齊走catwalk,大小Sunshine互相輝映,向觀眾和評委展現出他們的獨立性和個性。經過感人的謝詞後,各個獎項人選隨即誕生。

當晚的特別表演嘉賓是在台灣有「宅男女神」之稱的郭書瑤,甫出場即傳來熱烈的喝采聲,之後獻上多首上榜歌曲 《Honey》、《愛的抱抱》、《放棄你》以及《幸福不遠》,配合可愛的舞姿,即時迷倒現場觀眾,多位粉絲爭相上台獻花,親親偶像。郭書瑤是位甜心教主,一舉手一投足均可愛動人,甚有觀眾緣。

2011Sunshine Nation精華片段將於9月11日(星期日) 9pm新時代電視播出,更多幕後花絮,請瀏覽本網或到Sunshine Nation facebook。查詢: 604-295-1234。

Whoa! The Winners Take Home iPad2, Eee Pad, Blackberry Curve and CA$H?!!!  

Posted:August 26th, 2011  |  by admin
Fame and fortune always go hand in hand.  As you all know, the champions of Sunshine Nation will be featured on the cover of the October issue of Popular Lifestyle & Entertainment Magazine and have the opportunity to star in a teen drama produced by Comic Productions. OK, that’s the fame part, but what about the fortune?  Show me the money!

Here is a combined list of the prizes for Sunshine Nation 2011:

  • Cash $1,600 ($600 each for the Boyz & Girlz Champions; $200 each for their nominators)
  • 2x round trip tickets to Hong Kong or Taiwan
  • 2x deluxe Rocky Mountain bus tours
  • 2x Apple iPad2
  • 1x Asus Eee Pad aka the “Transformer”
  • 4x Blackberry Curve or comparable cool phones
  • $400 Copa Cafe gift certificates
  • $200 Boys’ Co gift certificate
  • $200 Rebecca’s Fashion gift certificate
  • $100 ABC Restaurant gift certificate
  • $100 Giordano gift certificates

plus other valuable gifts

It’s amazing how much Fairchild Radio has put in organizing this event, in terms of time, effort and money.  But from the contestants’ point of view, it is not the prizes or even the titles that matter the most.  By joining Sunshine Nation, the finalists will be given lessons on dancing, catwalking, performing and even public speaking while developing friendship with fellow contestants and other professional people in the field.  It is truly an experience of a life time.

Vancouver Sun’s Coverage on Sunshine Nation

Posted:August 26th, 2011  |  by admin

Did you grab a copy of the Vancouver Sun yesterday? They had done a coverage on this year’s Sunshine Nation, introducing this talk-of-the-town annual event to their readers. The story includes a brief  interview of our Sunshine boyz and girlz, and covers successful examples of our past champions. On their online edition, they also include two video clips of our finalists introducing themselves and having catwalk class with Adam Yao, our modelling instructor.

Link: Vancouver Sun’s coverage on Sunshine Nation

Link 2: Video clips

主流英文報章《溫哥華太陽報》(The Vancouver Sun)昨天以大篇幅直擊報道了今年的Sunshine Nation選秀活動。文中訪問了我們的Sunshine Boyz和Girlz,也介紹了辰亦儒和竇驍這兩位Sunshine大師兄現在在亞洲發展演藝事業的情況。在他們的網上版,還有兩條視頻,片中可以看到8位選手作簡短自我介紹和上Catwalk課的情況。

連結1:《溫哥華太陽報》報道Sunshine Nation 2011


Panel of Judges – Who pick the champions?  

Posted:August 25th, 2011  |  by admin
To pick a Boyz Champion and a Girlz Champion from the 8 finalists of this year’s Sunshine Nation is no easy task and Fairchild Radio is honored to put together a panel of experts to be the judges: 

Mr. George Lee, President of Fairchild Radio Group
Ms. Fiona Shih, a representative of Comic Productions / Meteor Garden Production
Ms. Karen Tam, winner of Ms. Hong Kong and former actress
Mr. Eric Woo, the Executive Director of a hotel management institute

They will judge the finalists on the criteria of self confidence, appearance, talent and how well they handle the Q&A.

女神助陣Sunshine Nation 郭書瑤粉絲瘋狂搶票  

Posted:August 25th, 2011  |  by admin


台灣可愛美少女郭書瑤飛抵溫哥華為明晚(8月26日)假本那比Michael J. Fox Theatre 舉行的2011 Sunshine Nation決賽擔任特別表演嘉賓。今天,郭書瑤率先於加拿大中文電台玻璃直播室與粉絲會面,接受AM1470 《度身訂造》節目主持盧玉鳳及FM96.1《穎音楓報》捷穎的電台專訪,吸引過百位粉絲圍觀。郭書瑤繼後趕往新聞發佈會會見傳媒,行程相當緊密。郭書瑤首次到溫哥華演出,大批歌迷為一睹偶像的風采團購Sunshine Nation決賽入場券,門票早已被搶購一空。

8位Sunshine Boyz & Girlz於明晚舉行的Sunshine Nation決賽中將會鬥智鬥勇,競逐男女冠軍及多個獎項,而特別表演嘉賓郭書瑤將會載歌載舞為他們打氣及與粉絲近距離接觸。年僅21歲的郭書瑤(瑤瑤)是近年走紅極快的多媒體藝人,除了美貌與身材具話題性外,她辛勤和節儉的性格亦在圈中聞名。郭書瑤十七歲時父親因心臟病逝世,之後半工讀協助母親照顧當時就讀國中的妹妹和小學的弟弟。2008年,郭書瑤得到擔任外拍模特兒的機會,憑著性感亮麗的外型和一流的口才,以電玩遊戲代言人身份進入台灣藝能界,紅遍網絡,被傳媒冠以「宅男女神」之稱號。台灣各大綜藝節目爭相邀約亮相,佔據台灣報紙頭條,高速竄紅之勢,極為少見,因而有「瑤瑤戰爭」、「瑤瑤現象」之出現。其後逐漸轉型,成為多個大型電視節目的主持,包括《數位遊戲王》、《我猜我猜我猜猜猜》、《V NEWS》及《黃金計程車》等。2009年推出首張EP,獲獎無數。乘人氣之勢,2010年開始拍攝電視劇及為電影動畫配音,現正播映的電視劇是台視和三立出品的「小資女孩向前衝」。

Meet YaoYao TODAY at our see-thru Studio!
女神郭書瑤 亮相電台 親親偶像是時候喇!

Posted:August 25th, 2011  |  by admin

在台灣被傳媒封為「宅男女神」的郭書瑤果然魅力非凡!自加拿大中文電台公佈郭書瑤為今年 Sunshine Nation 的特別表演嘉賓後,門票銷量節節上升,而且聽眾垂詢不斷,不少宅男、猛男、少男、壯男前來打聽瑤瑤的班機時間、所住酒店、性格喜好、甚至三圍數字等。

別的恐怕不便透露,但郭書瑤生於 1990 年 7 月 18 日,巨蟹座,身高 153cm,體重43kg,纖腰僅 23吋…..

要想近距離一睹「宅男女神」風采,但又買不到 Sunshine Nation 入場券的朋友,星期四 2pm 瑤瑤將出現加拿大中文電台的玻璃直播室,人到聲到,追星請早!

How cute is Yao Yao? How gorgeous is the “Sex Symbol for the Lonely Guys”? Come and see her in person on Thursday (Aug 25) 2pm at Fairchild Radio when she will appear at the see-through studio. 

Yao Yao, Behind the Glitter & Glamour

Yao Yao

You know what they say, sometimes you can’t judge a book by its cover.

Looking at the beauty and glamour of Yao Yao, and seeing how the media tag her as the “Sex Symbol for the Lonely Guys” (宅男女神), I imagine Yao Yao as a pretty but silly bimbo whose biggest worries are getting the latest Prada bag and dealing with more male admirers than she can handle, you know, the “ohh, so many men, so little time” syndrome.  Life must be easy for a young and beautiful starlet at her prime.

Not the case here.  Apparently Yao Yao is a hardworking and down to earth artist who has come a long way from a less than perfect background.

Yao Yao’s father died of a heart attack when she was only 17 years old.  To help her mom raising her younger brother and sister who were still in grade school, Yao Yao worked part time at a café and as an office assistant. Then with a lucky break, she got jobs as a model and later appeared in a TV commercial for an online game(殺很大).  The TV commercial wowed everybody and Yao Yao, wearing a skimpy top to showcase her amazing body in the TV commercial, became a household name overnight.   She was 18.

Teenage stars who achieve fame and fortune at a young age could easily lose touch with reality.  Not Yao Yao.  Obviously her days of poverty and her experience of losing a parent have made her mature beyond her age.  In the past 3 years, she has been working non-stop and has built a career that put many adults to shame:  she is a chart-topping singer, a talented actress, a suave TV program host and a convincing spokesperson representing many big brands.  Often she would fly to China for a job, fly back to Taiwan the same day so she would not miss the TV shooting the next morning.  That’s how hardworking she is.

Yao Yao is extremely close to her family and her birthday wish this year was to save enough money for a house, so her family can live in a better environment.  And she has made these promises to her mom – no gambling, no alcohol and never wear bikini in public. (Oops, did the last promise just break your heart? Sorry!)

Yao Yao will fly in to be the special performer of Sunshine Nation 2011.  Or, you can catch a glimpse of her through the glass on August 25 (Thur) at 2pm, when she would appear at the studio of Fairchild Radio.

The Moment of Truth – Time to Face the Judges!

Posted:August 24th, 2011  |  by admin

Just two more days to go!    The 8 Sunshine finalists are working day and night to prepare for the Sunshine Nation Finale this Friday, August 26 at the Michael J. Fox Theatre.  To provide a chance for the judges to get to know the finalists, Fairchild Radio has scheduled a closed door meeting between the judges and each of the 8 finalists.  It was very casual and the finalists were able to tell the judges who they are, why they entered the Sunshine Nation, how they are preparing for the final contest, their plans, their dreams and everything about them in a very relaxed environment.  The judges were obviously impressed with the confidence and grace of the finalists so it will be a tough call selecting the winners this Friday night.

距離Sunshine Nation決賽只有兩天(好緊張呀),八位參賽者先過第一關:面見評審Meet the Judges。四位評審(加拿大中文電台總裁李方、台灣可米代表施文嘉、前香港小姐譚錦芳及社交禮儀顧問胡匡維)與參賽者逐一會面,在輕鬆的氣氛下了解各參賽者的背景和性格,為8月26日的決賽評分作準備。今年參賽者水準平均,評判夠頭痛吧!

Finale’s program guide is a digital photo frame, whaaa?

Posted:August 24th, 2011  |  by admin


Sticking with the theme –  ”Social Networking” – of Sunshine Nation this year, we decide to do something new and DIGITALIZE everything in the finale’s program guide and put them into a digital frame. That’s right, if you are coming to watch the finale this Friday, you will receive a free digital photo frame, LOL.

… the pong pong sticks we are giving out to the audience that night are silverish and look very cool too. And the crew pass – it’s a Facebook on a pass! See the photos in Gallery.

為配合今年「社交網絡」的主題,大會作出新嘗試,將整份決賽夜的場刊數碼化,放入一個電字相架裡面!那就是說-沒錯,如果你決賽夜當晚來Sunshine Nation 2011現場,你將會得到一個免費的電子相架哦,LOL! 這樣來看比賽的觀眾,也不用怕到時的燈光不足看不清楚場刊的內容了。


Deadline is approaching! Yao Yao urges you to go vote!
投票即將結束 瑤瑤要你愛的一票!

Posted:August 24th, 2011  |  by admin

Tough race for “Fido Pepper Wireless – ‘Like Me’ Award”! Yao Yao urges everyone to go vote now! Deadline is 11:59PM tonight. Remember, by voting you’ll have a chance to win a Blackberry Curve or a comparable cool phone too!

「Fido Pepper Wireless 最多人Like Me大獎」投票進入倒數時刻,今晚11:59PM就要結束了。身在台灣的瑤瑤對一眾網民作出呼籲叫大家快點投票!別忘了,參與投票的朋友都有機會贏得Blackberry Curve或至潮手機一部哦!

Super Stars in the Making – the Little Sunshine  

Posted:August 23rd, 2011  |  by admin

People watch out!  A force that is strong enough to rival the Sunshine Nation has made its appearance!   They are young, they are little and their turbo-charged weapons are adorable smiles and infectious giggles.  Ladies and gentlemen, the Little Sunshine!

The Little Sunshine is a mini version of the Sunshine Nation – 4 boys and 4 girls with incredible talent and charisma competing for the title of the Champion and other awards. The only difference is that the Little Sunshine contestants are, well, little. This year the 8 finalists of the Little Sunshine are: Stephanie Chau (age 8), Jennifer Chien (age 9), Isabel Yi (age 8), Monica Song (age 9), Russell Yuen (age 10), Karsten Lee (age 7), Enver Chan (age 6) and Otto Hau (age 4).  The finale took place at Crystal Mall on July 9, just in time to prep the Little Sunshine to be the little guest performers at SSN Finale 2011.

As a sneak preview of their performance, three of the Little Sunshine including Monica Song (Champion of Little Sunshine 2011), Russell Yuen (Winner of Best Talent Award) and Enver Chan (Winner of Best Poses Award) dropped by the Sunshine Nation Press Conference on August 5 and simply “killed” the audience with their appearance.  If this is any indication of their show-stealing power, Sunshine Nation finalists, you better watch out!

[2] Kevin is the winner of “Facebook – Love to Share Award”
[2] 方泓元奪「Facebook人氣王 之 愛。分享大獎」

Posted:August 22nd, 2011  |  by admin


[2] Kevin Fang is the winner of Sunshine Nation 2011′s second award – “Facebook – Love to Share Award”. Over the past two weeks Kevin had made the most interesting posts on our Facebook page and had shared lots of cute photos about his life in SSN. After counting the number of posts plus the comments and “like”s, we’ve decided to give this award to Kevin. Kevin loves to share, and his fans love him too! Congratulations once again to Kevin. Our contestants will keep on posting onto our Facebook page so stay with us for more interesting updates!

恭喜 [2] 方泓元成功奪得本年度Sunshine Nation的第二個獎項 – 「Facebook人氣王之 愛。分享」大獎! 在過去的兩個星期裡Kevin最勤於在我們的Facebook專頁上發帖,以照片和文字與網友分享他在Sunshine Nation的生活。大會經點算發帖、留言和「Like」的數量後,決定把此獎項頒予最愛分享的 [2] Kevin 方泓元。我們的8位Sunshine Boyz and Girlz還會繼續在Facebook專頁上分享他們的近況和心情,他們還是很需要你們的留言打氣和鼓勵的哦!

24Hrs’ Coverage on Sunshine Nation  

Posted:August 22nd, 2011  |  by admin

Woot! Sunshine Nation and our 8 contestants are on 24 Hrs newspapers today! You may download an e-copy of today’s 24 Hrs here: http://eedition.vancouver.24hrs.ca/epaper/viewer.aspx The coverage is on page 4 =)

Check out more media coverage on Sunshine Nation in Gallery.

Finalists’ TVC is HOT On Air!
8強廣告 電視台熱播

Posted:August 18th, 2011  |  by admin

Have you had a chance to check out Sunshine Nation contestants’ TV commercial? It’s hot on air right now! If you don’t have the Chinese channels’ subscriptions, we are posting the TV commercial up here for you to enjoy. Check out more videos in “Videos“.

看過了正在電視上熱播中的8強電視廣告了嗎? 還沒有看過的話快點上面的視頻看看哦!我們的Sunshine Boyz和Girlz可是很用心去演出的。去Videos還可以看更多精采的視頻。

Alex Li’s Interview

Posted:August 18th, 2011  |  by admin

Sunshine 大師兄李北岳 (2005年Sunshine Boyz冠軍) 今天已成為中國炙手可熱的新晉明星 (去Gallery看更多照片)。他較早前回來溫哥華,除回來探訪加拿大中文電台這個大家庭,也抽空接受了新時代電視《大城小聚》節目的訪問,暢談他的近況和在中國演藝圈發展的事情。他的訪問可以到新時代電視的網站觀看:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Sunshine Nation Talent Show

Posted:August 14th, 2011  |  by admin

剛於麗晶廣場舉行過的Sunshine Nation才藝表演多姿多采,各Sunshine Boyz & Girlz施展渾身解數比拼才藝,有剛勁十足的舞獅及武術、性感的肚皮舞、悠揚悅耳的二胡、古箏、鋼琴演奏,當然少不了勁歌熱舞,每位都動靜皆宜,才華洋溢,內外美兼備。大會司儀AM1470 DJ陳安琪FM96.1杰拉德。同場加演Little Sunshine 「才藝大獎」Russell袁承志的黑帶跆拳道、2007 Sunshine Boyz 大師兄Bradon林建興獻唱,而人氣組合Go Girls及INBoyz也來個crossover,組成INGirls顯舞技。

[8] Andrea 伍佩儀奪《Facebook人氣王一見鍾情大獎》
[8] Andrea takes home “Facebook First Impression Award”

Posted:August 13th, 2011  |  by admin

Congratulations to [8] Andrea! Andrea’s self-introduction video on our Facebook page got most “Like”s and this rewards her “Facebook First Impression Award”. The award was presented earlier in front of a crowd of her fans during Sunshine Nation Talent Show at Crystal Mall.

Voting for “Facebook Love to Share Award” has begun. To become the winner of this award, our Sunshine Boyz and Girlz need to earn most “Likes” and supportive comments from you! We will do a careful audit of the number of posts, “Likes”, and comments to decide who will take this award home. So it’s up to YOU! Go to our Facebook page now and follow the updates of our Sunshine Boyz and Girlz.

經過一個星期的投票,Sunshine Nation 2011的第一個獎項已於較早前「Sunshine Nation才藝表演」中頒發。恭喜 [8] Andrea 伍佩儀先聲奪人,獲得眾多網民歡心,贏得《Facebook人氣王之一見鍾情大獎》。這個獎項是由Sunshine Nation官方Facebook專頁的粉絲,透過在各選手的自我介紹短片按下「Like」進行投票來決定結果。贏得獎項的Andrea獲得最高票數,是名符其實的Facebook人氣王。

下一個獎項《Facebook人氣王之愛。分享大獎》投票活動亦已隨即展開。一眾Sunshine Boyz和Girlz自參選以來經常在Sunshine Nation的Facebook專頁上更新狀況和上載照片跟粉絲分享他們的SSN生活。他們要在他們的posts和照片得到最多網民的「Like」和留言,經大會評核後計算人氣指數,才能奪得這個獎項。你的一個「Like」、一句打氣留言都會直接影響賽果。現在就立即登上Facebook專頁,時常追蹤8強的最新動向!

Sunshine Nation Talent Show 才藝表演
See you at Crystal Mall Tomorrow!

Posted:August 12th, 2011  |  by admin

We all know it’s not easy to become one of the finalists in Sunshine Nation. Not only do you have to look great, you also need to have a SPECIAL TALENT that people would appreciate. So let’s see if you appreciate the Sunshine Boyz’ and Girlz’ talents! Join us tomorrow (Saturday, Aug 13) at Burnaby Crystal Mall for Sunshine Nation Talent Show to see the finalists in person and watch a great show that they have been working hard to put together for ya. We will also present “Facebook First Impression Award” to the winner, so don’t miss it! Show will start at 2:30PM.

要成為Sunshine Nation的其中一員,除了外貌身型出眾,還須具備十八般武(舞)藝!這個星期六 (8月13日) 下午2:30 來到本拿比Crystal Mall麗晶廣場的Sunshine Nation才藝表演,率先於現場一睹8位Sunshine Boyz和Girlz的風采,還可以逐一看看他們的絕頂才藝哦!屆時還會於現場頒發「Facebook人氣王之一見鍾情」大獎,超級緊張,超級興奮!

Wanna WIN TWO TICKETS to Sunshine Nation’s Finale?
想到Sunshine Nation決賽現場親身觀看郭書瑤表演嗎?

Posted:August 11th, 2011  |  by admin

Our performer star YaoYao is acting out the popular emotion icons used on the net. Which one of her cutie poses videos you “LIKE” the best? From now till Aug 24th, “Like” your favorite one on our Facebook page (click “Video” on the left) ! By participating you’ll have a chance to win a pair of TWO tickets to Sunshine Nation 2011’s Finale! What’s better than seeing her peform LIVE? ;)

[Learn more about Yao Yao here]


大會的特別表演嘉賓郭書瑤會演譯出不同的趣怪表情圖案,你最喜歡哪一個呢?即日起至8月24日期間,在我們的Facebook專頁,按「Video」”Like”一下你最喜歡的表情影片,還有機會獲得Sunshine Nation 2011決賽夜兩張門票哦!瑤瑤的粉絲啊,還有甚麼比得上能在現場觀看瑤瑤的精采演出更好呢?


Question From Audience: Are Yao Yao’s Measurements Really …..  

Posted:August 10th, 2011  |  by admin


Yao Yao
We have received TONS of emails from you guys about Yao Yao, the Special Performer of Sunshine Nation 2011 and the most frequently asked question has something to do with the number “33” and the alphabet “F”.


Well, well, well, all we can say is Yao Yao’s height is 153cm and her weight is 43kg.

OK, I will spill the beans here:  her waist is 23” and her blood type is AB.  She was born on July 18, 1990, a Cancer born in the year of Horse who has just celebrated her 21st birthday a few weeks ago.

Starting this Friday, Aug 12th, check out her super cute looks on Sunshine Nation’s facebook under the “Yao Yao’s Emotion Icon You LIKE Most” voting game and you can understand why she is THE sexy goddess for hundreds of thousands of teenage boys in Taiwan.   But on top of being fabulous, she is smart and talented.   She hosts several TV programs, acts in dramas and movies and has won numerous music awards in Asia. Amazing!

Don’t take our words for it. Purchase your SSN Finale tickets at Fairchild Radio today.  Fairchild Radio is located on the 2nd floor of Aberdeen Centre in Richmond and the office is open Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 5:30pm.   Ticket price is $30 a pop including tax but cash only, so make sure you bring enough cash.


Go today before all the good seats are taken. When THE goddess Yao Yao is the headline performer, tickets are literally flying out the door!


[爆笑視頻] 小小Sunshine自誇有二十名女友

Posted:August 10th, 2011  |  by admin

“Little Sunshine” Enver Chan appeared on the stage during Sunshine Nation 2011′s press conference and told everyone: “I have 20 girlfriends!…”. When he was asked which one he likes the most, he cracked us up by saying: “they like me, I don’t like them”. Play the video to see what happened (conversations were in Cantonese). More videos of the press conference on plem.com.

日前的Sunshine Nation 2011 8強登場記者會上,本年度的「小小Sunshine」三位優勝者也上台跟本地傳媒會面。當中的「至Cool大獎」得主Enver陳柏晞居然對著一眾新聞界朋友自爆說:「我有二十名女朋友!」。當司儀阿愷問他比較喜歡她們哪一位,他居然說:「是她們喜歡我,不是我喜歡她們!」,引得全場哄堂大笑。觀看視頻(由《娛樂生活雜誌》plem.com上載)可以回顧這段爆笑的對話。下面的連結有更多Sunshine Nation 20118強登場記者會的精采視頻:

[plem.com直擊報道Sunshine Nation 2011新聞發佈會]

Tough races for Facebook “First Impression Award”!

Posted:August 9th, 2011  |  by admin

Tough races between the Boyz and Girlz going on on our Facebook Page for “Facebook First Impression Award” – [1] Sam Ly currently ranks #1 with 297 Likes! [8] Andrea Ng falls to #2 with 291 Likes while [3] Jeffrey ranks #3 with 222 Likes. Actually [2] Kevin is only a few votes behind. Remember, deadline is this Friday at 11:59PM so who knows, your vote can make a difference! Fans, get your friends to like our Facebook page and like the self-intro video! (Self-Intro videos can be found here.)

“Facebook人氣王之一見鍾情大獎” 在我們的Facebook頁上選情非常緊張! [1] Sam 李志森暫時以297個Likes領先, 但排第二的 [8] Andrea伍佩儀也只以6票之差暫時墮後。排第三的 [3] Jeffrey白景舜有222個Likes,但其實在後​面的 [2] Kevin 方泓元也只以很少的票數落後。今個星期五晚上11:59​截票, 誰知道最後結果會如何呢? 快召集你的朋友以”Like”去影響結果吧! 自我介紹短片在這裡找到。

The 8 Finalists Unveiled!
Sunshine Nation 8強初遇!!

Posted:August 5th, 2011  |  by admin

The wait is over.  The eight gorgeous and cool finalists of Sunshine Nation 2011 have made their debut to the press today at downtown Vancouver’s Stonegrill.

Aged between 17 and 24, the 4 Boyz and the 4 Girlz are cool and stylish beyond their age.  Each finalist made a short but impressive self-introduction on stage and demonstrated their graceful catwalk and chic poses.

During the press conference, Fairchild Radio also unveiled the special performer of the Sunshine Nation Finale.  Yao Yao, the 21 years old teen idol from Taiwan will fly in to sing and dance on the stage of Michael J. Fox Theatre on August 26.  Yao Yao’s famous songs “The Hug of Love” and “Honey” have received critical acclaims in Asia and will enjoy heavy air play on AM1470 and FM96.1 in the coming months.

Tickets to the finale of Sunshine Nation 2011 are on sale at Fairchild Radio (unit 2090 of Aberdeen Centre, 4151 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond).  Ticket price is $30 including HST.

Come back to this site often to check out the latest news of the event and more information about the finalists.  We also have a dedicated facebook updated by our crew and the Sunshine Boyz and Girlz themselves. Get to know them better, be our fans on the Sunshine Nation facebook today!

經過百人篩選,2011 Sunshine Nation 8強終於揭盅,4男4女年齡介乎17至24歲,只有兩位出生自海外,其餘全是百份百的Born in Canada俊男美女。8位Sunshine Boyz & Girlz的寫真集、個人資料、自我介紹短片、採排幕後花絮電視廣告宣傳片經已上載於本網頁,歡迎你於8月24日(星期三)前投選「Fido Pepper Wireless最多人Like Me大獎」,票數走勢隔日更新,結果將於8月26日決賽夜於台上揭曉;你亦可到Sunshine Nation facebook網頁支持喜愛的Sunshine Boyz & Girlz,為「Sunshine Nation facebook 人氣王之一見鍾情大獎」投下神聖的一票 。至於另一網上獎項「Sunshine Nation facebook人氣王之愛• 分享大獎」評分基準則以Sunshine Boyz & Girlz於Sunshine Nation facebook 上,分享參賽期間的趣聞軼事之受歡迎程度為依歸,結果將於8月21日公佈。

2011 Sunshine Nation決賽於8月26日假Michael J. Fox Theatre隆重舉行。今年大會邀請到台灣可愛美少女郭書瑤擔任2011 Sunshine Nation特別表演嘉賓。決賽夜當晚,郭書瑤將使出她迷人的眼神、甜美的歌曲及可愛的舞蹈迷倒現場每一位粉絲。由8月10日至24日期間登入Sunshine Nation facebook網頁,參加「你最Like郭書瑤的表情符號」票選遊戲,有機會贏取一套兩張Sunshine Nation決賽入場券。Sunshine Nation決賽門票現已於加拿大中文電台時代坊辦事處公開發售。

What were they doing?…

Posted:July 26th, 2011  |  by admin

Take a guess, what exactly were the Sunshine Boyz and Girlz doing? (hint: something you’ll get to watch on TV all the time starting early August) See more in “Sunshine in Progress” gallery!

猜猜看,我們的8位Sunshine Boyz and Girlz在做些甚麼?(提示:一些從8月頭開始你經常會在電視上看到的東西)。去我們的「Sunshine in Progress」圖輯看更多!

Official photo / video shootings Day 1

Posted:July 23rd, 2011  |  by admin

Photo + Video Shootings Day 1

First day of photo / video shootings! Facing the camera is a BIG TASK for the boyz and girlz, but they are trying their best. Keep it up! See more on our Facebook Page.

SSN2011 最後8強今天進行首天造型照和短片的拍攝工作。首次面對​鏡頭對一眾Sunshine Boyz + Girlz 來說並不容易, 他們先要培養鏡頭前的自信, 加油啊! 去Facebook專頁看更多!

8 Finalists selected!…..

Posted:July 19th, 2011  |  by admin

Update! 8 Sunshine Nation finalists have been selected. This is a snap shot of a briefing session earlier today. Yeah, yeah, we are not showing their faces clearly, and it’s done on purpose. So stay tuned for more updates (hints)!

快報!8位準Sunshine Boyz + Girlz已經順利誕生。在此送上一張今天較早前簡報會的照片,​眾入圍者正留心聆聽要注意的事項。看不清楚他們的樣貌?留意我們​的更新會有更多消息哦!

Audition Day!
Sunshine Nation面試 俊男美女大匯集

Posted:July 17th, 2011  |  by admin

The audition of Sunshine Nation 2011 took place on July 16 at Aberdeen Centre.Hundreds of cool and fashionable teens aged between 16 and 25 did their best to impressa panel of judges. The contestants performed cat-walking, self-introduction, talent and Q&Aand they were judged according to their appearance, self-confidence, talent and how well theyhandled the Q&A.
Like the years past, 4 boys and 4 girls with the highest scores made it to the finaland will compete for the title of the Boyz Champion and the Girlz Champion on August 26 atMichael J. Fox Theatre.


Sunshine Nation 2011 在7月16日於列治文時代坊的排舞室進行面試,過百位16至25歲的俊男美女,依次在評判前展現其型格和才藝。其中分數最高的四男四女順利過關,入選成為今年的Sunshine Boyz and Girlz。
由於今年首次接受網上報名,反應空前踴躍,超過八成的參賽者均在本網頁填寫報名表並即時遞交照片及報名費。據加拿大中文電台表示,網絡世界無時間和區域限制,隨時隨地均可報名,貼近年青人的生活模式和節奏,是今年Sunshine Nation的一大突破。
面試評判包括AM1470「度身訂造」主持盧玉鳯、FM961節目監製蘇玉貝和SunshineNation健身教練Andy Shiu。每位參賽者均須表演catwalk、自我介紹、才藝並接受評判提問,緊張固然難免,但大部份參賽者均表現自然,其中不少更才藝出眾。
八位入選的Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 將於8月5日正式公佈,而Sunshine Nation 決賽將於8月26日在Michael J. Fox Theatre舉行,密切留意本網及 Sunshine Nation facebook,將有更多比賽消息及花絮。


Recruitment has ended

Posted:July 15th, 2011  |  by admin

Sunshine Nation 2011′s recruitment has ended. 8 finalists will be revealed soon, stay tuned and this site will bring you all the latest gossips and updates!
Sunshine Nation 2011招募行動經已結束。8位Sunshine Boyz和Girlz即將閃亮登場。請留意本網公佈的最新消息!

Calvin Chen’s Photo Book

Posted:July 14th, 2011  |  by admin

In the recently published photo book “The Incredible Journey of Calvin Chen” (逆向旅程 – 辰亦儒溫哥華留學記), Calvin revisits a special part of his journey in Vancouver – Sunshine Boyz competition 2004. “A change in his life” is what he describes “Sunshine Boyz” means to him. See more in Gallery.

飛輪海的Calvin辰亦儒雖然身在台灣於演藝圈奮鬥,卻一直視溫哥華為第二個家。今年,他推出了一本全部在溫哥華取景拍攝的寫真《逆向旅程 – 辰亦儒溫哥華留學記》,並親筆撰文訴說了一段他前往台灣發展前於溫哥華留學的一段旅程。書中當然少不了提及他於2004年參加加拿大中文電台Sunshine Boyz的點點滴滴,還有一些他身處電台直播室的照片呢!去Gallery看更多。

Shawn Dou of “Under the Hawthorn Tree”,
champion of SSN 2007
Sunshine Nation 2007冠軍竇驍成中國最火新晉男演員

Posted:July 13th, 2011  |  by admin

Sunshine Nation winners have graced the cover of national magazines, television and various media as trend setters and icons of self-confidence. Major role models of past winners include Shawn Dou, who became the lead male actor of the movie “Under the Hawthorn Tree” directed by famous Zhang Yimou. Go to Gallery to see more news clips of Shawn.

Sunshine Nation是加拿大最具規模的亞裔才藝選秀,自1999年起已培育了超過一百位亞裔俊男美女,將他們打造成新一代的時尚魅力達人。參加Sunshine Nation已被視為走向亞洲演藝界的踏腳石。去年經著名導演張藝謀萬中選一而成為電影《山楂樹之戀》第一男主角,Sunshine Nation 2007冠軍竇驍正是一例。竇驍目前是中國最「火」新晉男演員之一,參與了不少電視廣告拍攝並擔任品牌代言人。前往「Gallery」閱讀更多關於竇驍的新聞剪輯。

Calvin! Calvin! Calvin’s interview on AM1470

Posted:July 13th, 2011  |  by admin


Alex Li

Posted:July 12th, 2011  |  by admin

Alex Li (李北岳), champion of Fairchild Radio’s Sunshine Boyz competition in 2005 is developing a brilliant career in China’s showbiz. Go to our gallery to see more!

Sunshine大師兄李北岳於2005參加加拿大中文電台舉辦的Sunshine Boyz並贏得冠軍,現正於中國全面發展他的演藝事業,也擁有不俗的人氣和不少粉絲哦!他不但成為冰茶品牌代言人,成為小說平面模特兒和MV主角,更於周潤發主演的電影《孔子》中參與演出!更多圖輯可於Gallery頁內觀看。

TVC Behind-The-Scene Video!
鏡頭背後: 招募電視廣告拍攝現場 (視頻)

Posted:June 30th, 2011  |  by admin

Exclusively on our Facebook page, we uploaded a video showing how the recruitment TV commercial was shot. Well, it was not exactly the take director had picked (and you’ll see why LOL…) but it’s quite funny to see how Adeline and Johnny doing all the gestures and movements with the “icons” that were visible only in their heads…
Jump to our Facebook page, and don’t forget to LIKE it to catch the latest updates of SSN!

Sunshine Nation 官方Facebook專頁獨家視頻!帶你去到招募電視廣告的拍攝現場,看看TVC的誕生過程。雖然視頻中的那個take導演沒有選上(看看就知道為甚麼了 LOL…),不過看看上屆冠軍Adeline和Johnny憑空想像一堆不存在的按鈕作出互動和做表情還是蠻搞笑的...